Enterprise Software

Python for Data Science For Dummies, 2nd Edition
The fast and easy way to learn Python programming and statistics Python For Data Science For Dummies...

4 Best Examples of Field Service Management
Software Built for the Future. Field service management software is quickly becoming a must-have for...

Splunk Predictions 2020
The future is data. In a rapidly digitizing world, data is at the root of every opportunity, and essential...

The State of Application Development: Is IT Ready for Disruption?
Organizational agility is more important today than ever. Digital transformation has dominated business...

Activate ESG use case guide: Discover how ServiceNow drives ESG impact
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is about driving business growth while building a more sustainable,...

CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 5th Edition
Fully updated to cover the 2019 exam release! CompTIA's A+ certification is an essential certification...

Divestitures: Mastering Transition to Accelerate Business Growth
In an era where speed is paramount to maintain competitive sustainability, business restructuring through...

Increase Your Productivity with DocuSign for Office 365
Microsoft has teamed up with DocuSign to make our industry-leading eSignature apps available to businesses...

Digital Transformation – It’s in the Way You Move IT
As enterprises consider a migration to the cloud, many are left wondering: How can we ensure success? Download...

IDC: Electronic Signatures Accelerate Business
IDC Analyst Brief: From business to nonprofits and government services – organizations cannot afford...

Brian Madden Insights: From Desktops to a Digital Workspace
The first 20 years of 'end-user computing' (EUC) were really about desktop computers sitting on users'...
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