IT Management

Learn how to build a business framework designed for data management
The center of a best practice approach must include a complete view into your organization and its technology...

Banking on Great Conversations
The challenges of the pandemic thrust banks that were struggling to remain relevant and their customers...

Business Growth and Agility in the Cloud - Infor vs NetSuite
If you want to go further, grow faster and achieve more than your competitors, you need to have the right...

Cybersecurity for retail: Prevention is better than the cure
Prevention is almost always better than the cure. But how many organisations are living up to the promise...

Seven Multi-Cloud Success Stories
Worldwide Organizations are Transforming IT—and their Business—with VMware Cloud Technologies Now...

Report: ICS/OT Cybersecurity 2021 Year in Review
Dragos is excited to present the fifth year of the annual Dragos Year In Review report on Industrial...

Hybrid Work: Why it's time to move your on-premises PBX to the cloud
For years, the shift to cloud-based communications services was gradual, with some organizations going...

Merger and Acquisition IT Integration: Active Directory
Each IT integration project is unique based on the timelines, the makeup of the environment and the goals...

Mobile Beta Testing with TestFairy
Streamline your mobile app beta testing with managed app distribution and user feedback collection. Easily...

Optimal Workload Placement for Public, Hybrid, and Private Clouds
The needs and goals of every organization and industry differ, making it impossible to adopt a one-size-fits-all...

Four Tenets to Guide Your Enterprise's Cloud Transformation
Company leaders are increasingly turning to multi-cloud to deliver applications and other infrastructure...

Know Your Options Before Moving To The Cloud
It's imperative for company and IT leaders to understand that the term 'cloud' is very broad and can...
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