Microsoft Teams

Navigating the new working paradigm
All of a sudden, remote working has become the norm. And we're coming to terms with the fact that this...

5 Tips for Easing Common IT Frustrations
Got IT frustrations? Who doesn't. Today, there are a few common friction-filled frustrations that arise...

Meet the future of work with confidence
If asked to select a word to describe the experience of the past two years, a large proportion of business...

Responding Smarter, Faster and Better
In cybersecurity, a critical event is a major incident that's disruptive enough to pose a meaningful...

Reduce Alert Fatigue in Your IT Environment
Security teams are tasked with managing a huge volume of alert logs, and this noise can overwhelm any...

Critical Event Management
For today's organizations, the threat of disruptions that critically impact people and business is unavoidable....

Making hybrid work, work for you
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies and organizations around the world to shut their...

The future of HR and finance teams in higher education
The Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns have affected the higher education industry in several...

Conversational Teams Management and Migration
The abrupt transition to everyone working from home forced IT to cut through all of the usual bureaucracy...

Track Possible COVID-19 Symptoms? There's an App for That
In times of crisis, the ability to respond quickly makes all the difference. From the earliest days of...

Ponemon Cost of Insider Threats Report 2022
External attackers aren't the only threats modern organisations need to consider in their cybersecurity...

The Ultimate CX Agent Guide
Customers have embraced technology to manage all aspects of daily lives, setting off a digital disruption...
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