Mobile Computing

How to chose a managed extended detection and response solution
Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solutions are specialized security services that allow an organization...

How Do Vulnerabilities Get Into Software?
There isn't a business today that doesn't produce or purchase applications in order to run more efficiently....

App Development as a Core Business Capability
Many organisations now understand the critical role that apps play in enabling their people, as well...

CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 5th Edition
Fully updated to cover the 2019 exam release! CompTIA's A+ certification is an essential certification...

The Fastest Way to Modernize Apps Isn’t What You Think
When it comes to digital transformation, we hold these truths to be really, really evident: • Organizations...

Take the fight to the cybercriminals
An IT leader's guide to keeping your business running with proactive cybersecurity. It's an incredibly...

Data Loss Prevention and Digital Transformation
Today's digital age has produced unprecedented amounts of data. Much of this data is considered sensitive,...

An Insider's Look at Enterprise Cloud Adoption
It's a well-known fact that more businesses are adopting cloud computing technologies, and the overall...

Penetration Testing For Dummies
Target, test, analyze, and report on security vulnerabilities with pen-testing Pen-Testing is necessary...
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