Service Level Management

Migrating Enterprise Applications to Microsoft Azure
Migrating applications is a subject that can strike fear into the heart of even the most seasoned IT...

The evolution of process automation
Automation has a long and storied history. Today, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are spawning...

Cloud: Be Smart
Cloud' is the buzzword for the last few years when it comes to IT infrastructure, isn't it? And it has...

KuppingerCole Leadership Compass
Leaders in innovation, product features, and market reach for access governance and intelligence. Delivering...

Digital Transformation Today
More and more buyers are looking for a digital experience that not only improves challenges like wait-time...

Future-Ready Identity and Access Management
This e-book offers five fundamentals to help you find a new approach to identity access and management...

VP AppDev Confessions
Development teams burdened with complex release requirements often run over schedule and over budget....

Strategies to ensure the success for your identity governance project
Read our ebook to discover clear guidelines you can follow to successfully implement your own identity...

Windows Virtual Desktop Jumpstart
Not all applications are web-based or designed to run from the cloud. Many applications still require...

Taking the Next Steps Towards Data-Driven Government
The first and most obvious phase of digital transformation, the digitalisation of services, has been...
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