Storage Systems

Redefining Modern Enterprise Storage for Mission-critical Workloads
The digital business demands being placed on enterprise-scale IT organizations are now so extreme that...

Windows Server 2019 and PowerShell All-in-One For Dummies
Windows Server 2019 and PowerShell All-in-One For Dummies offers a single reference to help you build...

Deploying Flexible Data Protection to Support Cloud Workload Placement
Digital transformation (DX) projects are designed to help organizations better utilize data for competitive...

The Challenge of Migrating Healthcare Applications to the Cloud
Explore the decisions that must be made within the healthcare sector when it comes to migrating applications...

Pure Unified Fast File and Object Storage
For businesses to maximize the value of their data, they first need to rethink their infrastructure—with...

Assessing Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) Requirements
Many organizations are struggling to detect, hunt, investigate, and respond to threats in an efficient...

Penetration Testing For Dummies
Target, test, analyze, and report on security vulnerabilities with pen-testing Pen-Testing is necessary...

Optimizing Workload Placement in Your Hybrid Cloud
Many IT organizations are in the process of modernizing their infrastructure, as part of either a digital...

Unified Fast File and Object (UFFO) Storage
In this book, you get an idea of the vast potential for unstructured data — and also the infrastructure...

Cyber Security for Dummies
Protect your business and family against cyber attacks Cybersecurity is the protection against the unauthorized...
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