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Three Out of Four Attacks: Sophisticated Bots and What Enterprise Security is Missing

Published by: Human

Over the past several years, bots have dramatically transformed the way we engage with the Internet, handling a dizzying array of online activities, including indexing large amounts of data and providing customer service functions. And while there are numerous positive outcomes of automation, bots can also have a negative side, wreaking havoc for businesses as well as their customers.
Data from a new survey from Dark Reading and HUMAN Security follows up on earlier survey work and indicates that a significant majority of medium to large organizations recognize the value of bot management and understand the damage malicious bots can
cause. Survey participants reported experiencing a variety of bot attacks (or suspected attacks) against their digital operations, including account takeovers and network disruptions. The most common incidents targeted site performance and customer accounts. However, our findings show that despite growing awareness about the sophistication of bot attacks, the vast majority of organizations are still not using the optimal tools for defense.

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Lang: ENG
Type: Research Paper Length: 11 pages

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