APIs For Dummies
APIs are a hot topic, energetically debated by businesspeople, IT managers, and developers alike. Most...

Digital Transformation and Risk for dummies
Digital transformation is a critical priority for many companies across most industries, and it's more...

The Innovator’s Guide to the Digital-first Contact Center
How do you address the Customer Experience revolution? Evolving customer expectations shape new needs...

Drive business growth with personalization
Personalizing content for a customer online is key to breaking through the noise. Yet brands face challenges...

NoSQL for Dummies
This easy to read guide to NoSQL databases provides the type of no–nonsense overview and analysis that...

13 Questions You Must Ask Your Bot Mitigation Vendor
Today, bots are a hot topic, one that affects all web applications. As a result, many vendors are trying...

It Pays to Go Paperless
Companies of all sizes are embracing a more effective, paperless way of working. From sales agreements,...

The Role of Cloud in European Business Transformation
NetSuite and Frost & Sullivan have conducted a survey of 1,425 CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and IT Directors across...

Connect Everywhere: Better Voice Communications for Microsoft Teams
We used to have separate physical devices for phone calls, email and chat, and video conferencing. Over...

Modernize the customer experience with your apps
Delighting customers starts with the right cloud foundation, Understanding the multi-cloud world is critical...
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