
Is Your WAF Keeping Pace with Today's Advanced Threats eBook
As the threat landscape evolves, so must our security controls and countermeasures. Recent research from...

Brian Madden's Playbook for Your Journey to the Cloud
Brian Madden, End-User Computing industry analyst and VMware resident expert, explains the big picture...

How Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Enables Digital Transformation
Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a foundational technology that many organizations leverage as...

Isolated Castles: Incident Response in the New Work From Home Economy
Since the shift to work from home, there's been a paradigm shift in the IT and security industry. The...

Ensuring compliant communications in Financial Services
The pandemic has reshaped business in myriad ways, none so much as how people communicate. In a few months,...

The Perimeter's Gone. Can Your Security Handle It?
Organizations need to shift their security strategy to secure the new ways work gets done. That takes...

Workday Enterprise Frameworks Guide
Empower users at your organisation and increase agility. By automating routine tasks for HR, finance,...

Rationalise to Modernise Your Martech Stack
Enterprises in the high-tech industry continue to prioritise market share, revenue growth, cost containment...

Cyber Resiliency and End-user Performance
Cyber resiliency is an essential requirement for any business. Given organizations face larger attack...
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