Endpoint Security

Dutch Maritime Systems Integrator Fortifies Operations With New Integrated Security Architecture
With a proud heritage dating back to 1860, RH Marine is today recognized as a leading systems integrator...

The SIEM Buyer's Guide for 2020
In 2020, security information event management (SIEM) solutions will be far more than an information...

Building the Business Case for Improving Endpoint Security
As a security provider, we understand that convincing executives to make changes to their stack can be...

Remote Access Security checklist for every IT admin
Keep your remote workforce secure and productive. Find everything you need to ensure remote workforce...

The Zero Trust Guide To Remote Worker Security
With the recent increase in the number of employees working from home as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak,...

Ransomware Prevention Is Possible
Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts files to prevent victims from accessing their systems and...

10 Endpoint Security Problems Solved By The Cloud Infrographic
The three challenges you're likely facing – cost and complexity, defenses that can't keep up, and overburdened...

Endpoint security versus productivity in the pharmaceutical industry: a false choice?
Computing's interviews with CIOs and CISOs consistently support the view that breaches are inevitable,...

Employees are choosing how they work
'The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.' To remain connected, productive and secure in...

The Ominous Rise of Island Hopping and Counter Incident Response Continues
Cybercrime certainly isn't basketball — the stakes are higher, your jump shot doesn't matter — and...

A Buyer’s Guide to Optimizing Remote Employees’ Extended Network
The shelter-in-place mandates put in place earlier in 2020 sent most employees home, and for the next...

Elastic Cloud Gateways: The Evolution of Secure Cloud Access
Enterprise security groups today face a daunting task. While their core responsibility of protecting...

Four Keys to Navigating the Hardware Security Journey
Ensuring enterprise-wide device security requires a shield, or security posture, that follows and protects...

Filling the Gaps in Office 365
Office 365 offers a variety of choices and added functionality making it confusing for IT teams to decide...
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